Friday, October 02, 2009


Interestingly, a group of scientist in England just announced their intention to fertilize an egg without the use of sperm cells.
Are men absolutely necessary?
Think of the structure of the female genitalia.
What is the most sensitive part of the vagina? It's the clitoris, first discovered by Renaldus Columbus in 1559. He thought it was India.
The crown of the clitoris contains 8,000 nerve fibers. It's a far great concentration than in any part of the male body... even our fingertips. It is the most efficient, pleasure-delivery system ever devised by nature.
Now, ask yourself... why didn't the clitoris end up inside the vagina so that intercourse would be naturally compellingly, constantly pleasurable for a woman? Because in primitive time, women died of childbirth. So for intercourse to be too pleasurable wouldn't make sense from a Darwinian standpoint.
What does that tell us? Evolution is looking out for us girls? Exactly. That for women intercourse and sexual fulfiillment were never intended to intersect.
New technology just makes it offiicial.
Future generations of women will evolve clitorises that are larger, longer, even more sensitive. And a woman's ability, as well as her desire to self-stimulate will increase exponentially, as intercourse is robbed of its procreative utility.
The species is not static. We're in a constant state of flux. Two genders has been the default setting for one reason only: so far it's been the only way to propagate the race
So where are we headed? Equality? Equality, what is that? Is that a principle of nature? No. Of course not.
Natural selection. Now that is a principle of nature. Selection. Something has to lose. Something has to be defeated in order for something else to be selected. So what does this mean?
Men will be reduced to servitude.
Technology and evolution will have combined to exclude sperm from procreation and our final destiny will be to lift couches and wait for that day when telepathy overcomes gravity and our gender's last remaining utility is lost forever. Forever."

Clitori, clitorati, Clitorissimo.

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